Sunday, December 6, 2009
Candidates can either submit their applications online or through applications obtained from the Commission’s Office/Head Post Offices.
Fees : Rs.130/- (Rs. 100 - Examination Fee + Rs. 30 - Application Fee)
Procedure to apply online:
(a) Click "Apply Online" tab appeared in your right hand side.
(b) Fill-up/Select the relevant particulars asked in the data entry screen carefully.
(c) After confirmation, click "Yes, Generate Online Application Form" button.
(d) An unique application number will be generated. Kindly note it.
(e) Type the application Number and your date of Birth to generate online application form.
(f) Print the generated application forms (2 pages), affix your signature, paste one recent passport size photograph, affix the Postal Receipt towards the Examination Fee and Application Fee in the 2nd page and send it to the Commission's Office on or before the last date.
Note: Mere data entry of application alone is not an online registration. Online application forms without Signature and photograph will be summarily rejected
Last date: The candidates can register their particulars online and generate printout till 5.45 P.M. on 28/12/2009. They will have to generate the printout of the filled-up application form by clicking 'YES, Generate Online Application Form' button, paste one recent passport size photograph, affix the Postal Receipt towards the Examination Fee and Application Fee, affix the signature and send it to the Commission’s Office on or before 30/12/2009 - 5.45 P.M.
Before taking the printout of the Application Form, make sure that both Top and Bottom margins of the print area will have only 3 mm. (This can be adjusted using File->Page Setup option of the browser.).
The candidates who apply online will Superscribe “Online Application - Combined Subordinate Service Examinations - I” on the envelope before despatching to the following address :
The Controller of Examinations
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Omanthoorar Government Estate
Anna Salai
CHENNAI - 600 002
The fee should be paid only through Postal Receipt obtained from any one of the Post Offices or Sub-Post Offices.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ans. : Business.
2) Qus. : What are you doing in Business?
Ans. : Selling the Goods.
3) Qus. : From where are you getting Goods?
Ans. : >From other State/Abroad
4) Qus. : What are you getting in Selling Goods?
Ans. : Profit.
Qus.. : How do you distribute profit ?
Ans : By way of dividend
Tax : Pay dividend distribution Tax
5) Qus. : Where you Manufacturing the Goods?
Ans. : Factory.
6) Qus.. : Do you have Office / Warehouse/ Factory?
Ans. : Yes
7) Qus. : Do you have Staff?
Ans. : Yes
8) Qus. : Doing business in Millions?
Ans. : Yes
Ans : No
Tax : Then pay Minimum Alternate Tax
9) Qus.. : Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank?
Ans. : Yes, for Salary.
10) Qus.: Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner?
Ans. : Hotel
11) Qus.: Are you going Out of Station for Business?
Ans. : Yes
12) Qus.: Have you taken or given any Service/s?
Ans. : Yes
13) Qus.: How come you got such a Big Amount?
Ans. : Gift on birthday.
14) Qus.: Do you have any Wealth?
Ans. : Yes
15) Qus.: To reduce Tension, for entertainment, where are you going?
Ans. : Cinema or Resort.
16) Qus..: Have you purchased House?
Ans. : Yes
17) Qus.: How you Travel?
Ans. : Bus
18) Qus.: Any Additional Tax?
Ans. : Yes
19) Qus.: Delayed any time Paying Any Tax?
Ans. : Yes
20) INDIAN :: can i die now??
Ans :: wait we are about to launch the funeral tax!!!
IT ppl recruited for......
செய்தால் ?
( இது ஒரு கற்பனை, சிரிக்க
மட்டும், சிரியஸ் அல்ல)
ஐ.டி ஊழியர்கள் ஹோட்டலில் வேலை
செய்தால் எப்படி இருக்கும்
என்று ஒரு சின்ன கற்பனை...
முதலாளி : மாஸ்டர் ! நம்ம
ஹோட்டலுக்கு கஸ்டமர்ஸ் அதிகமா
வரதுக்கு ஐ.டி கம்பேனியில வேலை
செஞ்சவங்கள கூப்பிட்டு
வந்திருக்கேன். அவங்கள வச்சி
வேலை வாங்குறது உங்க பொறுப்பு...!
சரக்கு மாஸ்டர் : கவலைய விடுங்க...
நம்ப ஹோட்டல் சேல்ஸ் எப்படி
பிச்சிக்கிட்டு போகுது
முதலாளி : சரி ! நான் போய்ட்டு
சாய்ங்காலம் வரேன்..
மாஸ்டர் ஒருவரிடன் சென்று....
மாஸ்டர் : ஐ.டி. கம்பேனியில
என்னவா இருந்தீங்க...
அவன் : நான் PM ஆ இருந்தேன்..
மாஸ்டர் : என்னது Prime Minister ராவா...????
அவன் : இல்லைங்க.... Project Manager ரா
மாஸ்டர் : அப்படி முழுசா சொல்லு....
சூப்பர்வைசர் வேலை தானே....
PM : இல்லைங்க... வேலை
செய்யுறதுக்கு எத்தன பேரு
வேணும், எவ்வளவு நேரம்
எடுக்கும்னு ப்ளான் போட்டு
கொடுத்து... அவங்க வேலை செய்யுறத
கவனிக்குற வேலைங்க....
மாஸ்டர் : அதுதான்.....
சூப்பர்வைசர் வேலை....
PM : நாங்க ப்ளான் போட்டு.... அதுக்கு
தகுந்தா மாதிரி மத்தவங்கள வேலை
செய்ய சொல்லுவேன்.
மாஸ்டர் : நாங்களும் திட்டம்
போடுவோம். ஒரு நாளைக்கு எத்தன
பேரு வருவாங்க..வந்தவங்க கணக்கு
ஜாஸ்தியான எப்படி சமாளிக்கனும்.
காய்கறி வெட்டுறதுக்கு எத்தன
பேரு. நல்லா சமைக்கிறாங்களா....
இப்படி திட்டம் போட்டு தான்
சமைக்கவே ஆரம்பிப்போம்.
PM : இது பேரு தான் ப்ளானிங்....
மாஸ்டர் : அடபாவி.... நாங்க எல்லாம்
ப்ளான் பண்ணி எல்லா வேலையும்
செய்யுறோம். ப்ளான் மட்டும்
பண்ணுறத்க்கு தனி ஆளுக்கு
இவ்வளவு சம்பளம் கொடுத்திட்டு
ப்ராஜக்ட் மேனேஜரிடம் பேசிய
பிறகு மாஸ்டர் கிட்சனுக்கு
சென்றார்.. அங்கு ஒரு டெவலப்பர்
நீண்ட நேரமாக சமைத்துக் கொண்டு
மாஸ்டர் : தம்பி... இத்தன நேரமா
சமைக்காம கம்ப்யூட்டர்ல என்ன
டெவலப்பர் : சாம்பார் ரொம்ப
சப்புனு இருக்கு. என்ன
பண்ணனும்னு கூகுல் அடிச்சு
பார்த்திட்டு இருக்கேன்.
மாஸ்டர் : சப்புனு இருந்தா உப்பு
போடு... கூகுல் வந்து என்னடா பண்ண
டெவலப்பர் : யாராவது சாம்பார்
வச்சிருந்தா.... டௌன்லோட் பண்ணி
கொஞ்சம் மாத்தி கொடுக்கலாம்னு
மாஸ்டர் : விட்டா அடுப்பு பத்த
வைக்கிறது கூட கூகுள் அடிச்சு
பார்ப்ப போலிருக்கு....
இவனிடம் பேசி வேலைக்காகது என்று
அந்த இடத்தை விட்டு நகர்ந்தார்.
ஒருவன் எல்லா சாப்பாட்டையும்
உற்று பார்த்து கொண்டு இருப்பதை
மாஸ்டர் : நீ என்னவா இருக்க....?
அவன் : டெஸ்டரா இருக்கேன்.
மாஸ்டர் : ஏன் எல்லா சாப்பாட்ட
பார்த்திட்டு இருக்க...
டெஸ்டர் : கலர் பார்க்குறேன்.
மாஸ்டர் : எதுக்கு....??
டெஸ்டர் : இத Sanity Testingனு
அந்த டெஸ்டர் சாம்பரை சுவைத்து
மாஸ்டர் : இதுக்கு என்ன பேரு....??
டெஸ்டர் : Functional Testingனு சொல்லுவோம்.
சாம்பர்ல உப்பு கொஞ்சம்
ஜாஸ்தியா இருக்கு...
டெவலப்பர் : நான் சரியா தான்
டெஸ்டர் : நீ சாப்பிட்டு பாரு...
உப்பு எவ்வளவு ஜாஸ்தினு....
மாஸ்டர் : சரி...சரி... உங்க சண்டைய
விடுங்க... நான் சரி பண்ணுறேன்.
சாம்பாரில் உப்பு அதிகமாக
இருப்பதை உணர்ந்த மாஸ்டர்
கொஞ்சம் பருப்பு போட்டு
சாம்பாரில் இருக்கும் உப்பை சரி
செய்கிறார். இப்போது, டெஸ்டர்
ரசத்தை ருசித்து பார்க்கிறான்.
டெஸ்டர் : ரொம்ப காரம்மா இருக்கு...
மாஸ்டர் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி சரி
டெஸ்டர் : இப்ப நல்லா இருக்கு...
டெஸ்டர் மீண்டும் சாம்பரை
சுவைத்து பார்க்கிறான்.
மாஸ்டர் : எதுக்கு மறுபடியும்
சாம்பார டேஸ்ட் பண்ணுற...
டெஸ்டர் : இத நாங்க Regression Testingனு
மாஸ்டர் : அடபாவி.... டெஸ்டிங்
பண்ணுறனு சொல்லி பாதி சாம்பர்,
ரசத்த சாப்பிடியடா....
மாலையானதும் முதலாளி வந்து
கல்லாவை பார்க்கிறார். ஒரு பைசா
கூட இல்லாமல் காலியாக இருந்தது.
முதலாளி : என்ன மாஸ்டர் ! கஸ்டமர்
யாரும் வரலையா....
மாஸ்டர் : இன்னும் சமையல
முடிக்கலைங்க.... டெஸ்டர் மட்டும்
அண்டா அண்டாவா சாம்பர், ரசம்
ஹோட்டல் முதலாளி ஸ்வீட்
செய்திருப்பதை பார்க்கிறார்.
முதலாளி : ஸ்வீட் இருக்குல... அது
ஏன் கட முன்னாடி வைக்கல....?
மாஸ்டர் : ஸ்வீட் பொறுப்ப... 'SQA'
கிட்ட கொடுத்தேன். கொஞ்சம்
இனிப்பு கம்மியா இருக்குனு
சொல்லி.... கடைசி வரைக்கும் எந்த
ஸ்வீட்டையும் கஸ்டம்மர் கண்ணுல
காட்டாம உள்ளையே வச்சிட்டு
முதலாளி : $$@#$@##$
Job Opportunity for Fresh Engineers
Vault is hiring talented entry-level Engineers from the2008 batch to be deputed onsite at M/s. SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
No. of positions Opened : 50
Eligibility Criteria: BE/B Tech (CS, IT, IS, ECE, EEE,Telecom)/MCA with minimum of 65% aggregate in 10th, 12th & Degree.
Skill Sets : Programming Knowledge in C/C++, Basics of RDBMS , SQL and knowledge in Testing would be an added advantage.
Job Location: Bangalore
Please use this opportunity to refer your friends
Regards, SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd,
2nd Floor, Block 2B,
RMZ NXT, Sonnenahalli, EPIP Area
Whitefield, Bangalore, India – 560 066
( +91-80-41399060
( +91-99860-30484
Vault Team HR
Saturday, February 21, 2009
STAFF SELECTION-Junior Translator (CSOLS) Examination 2009
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold on Sunday, the 24/05/2009 an open compettitive examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Translators (CSOLS) a Group B posts (Non-Gazetted Ministerial) in various Offices/ Departments under Depaerment of of Official Language all over country.
* Junior Translators (CSOLS) : No. of vacancies for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil & Elect) will be determined in due course.
* Age Limit : 30 years as on 20/03/2009. Relaxation as per Govt. rules.
Educational Qualificiation : Master Degree or equivalent in Hindi or English with English and Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or medium of examination at degree level or Master Degree or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English with Hindi or English Medium and English or Hindi as compulsary or electives subjects at degree level OR Master Degree or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English with Hindi and English as a compulsary or elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulary or elective subject at degree level and recognised diploma or certificate course in Translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa OR 2 years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central of State Government Offices including Govt. of India Undertakings.
Fee : Rs. 100/- in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available at Post Office. No fee for SC/ST/PH and Ex-servicemen candidates.
Closing Date : The last date for receipt of application in the commission will be 20/03/2009. For those candidates who are living in remote areas, the last date will be 30/03/2009.
Cantre of Examination and Address to which Applications should be sent : The applications should be addressed to the Regional Office of the SSC as listed here;
Delhi (121), Jaipur (170), Dehradun (148) : Regional Director (NR), SSC, 5th Floor, Block No.12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Raod, New Delhi-110504
Hyderabad (603), Vishakhapatnam (608), Chennai (671), Madurai (685) : Regional Director (SR), SSC, E.V.K. Sampath Building, College Raod, Chennai-600006
Kolkata (301), Port Blair (341), Gangatok (381), Bhubaneswar (360), Ranchi (370) : Regional Director (ER), SSC, 1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Nizam Palace, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-700020
Mumbai (501), Nagpur (515), Panji (531), Ahmedabad (551): Regional Director (WR), SSC, Army & Navy Building, 1st Floor, South Wing, Pratishtha Bhawan, Old CGO Complex, 101, M.K. Road, Mumbai-400020
Allahabad (241), Patna (201), Lucknow (264): Regional Director (CR), SSC, 8-AB, Beli Raod, Allahabad-211002
Guwahati (Dispur) (421), Itanagar (401), Imphal (441), Shillong (451), Aizwal (461), Kohima (475), Agartala (481) : Regional Director (NER), SSC, Rukmini Nagar, P.O. Assam, Sachivalaya, Guwahati-781006
Bangalore (621), Thiruvananthapuram (645), Kochi (656) : Regional Director (KKR), SSC, 1st Floor, 2nd Block, 'E' Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034
Raipur (229), Bhopal (221) : Dy. Director (MPR), SSC, 'Nishant Villa', F.Jalvihar Colony, Raipur-492001
Chandigarh (151), Shimla (101), Jammu (113), Srinagar (116): Dy. Director (NWR), SSC, Block No.3, Ground Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9, Chandigarh-160017
For further details like scheme of examination, syllabus, application form etc., visit SSC website at (It may take 4-5 days to get the information and application form on the SSC website)
For more details, visit
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
- ABB 6.50 0 0
- KMG 2.65 0 0
- Accenture 2.30 3.40 2.30
- KPIT Cummins 2.70 0 0
- Adobe 5.00 8.05 0
- Krawler Networks 3.00 0 0
- ADP 3.85 0 0
- Kritikal 4.30 0 0
- Agilent 4.00 4.50 0
- L&T Engg 3.00 0 2.40
- Alstom 3.20 0 0
- L&T Infotech 2.22 3.47 2.22
- Amdocs 4.00 0 0
- Lafarge 3.25 0 0
- Arada 4.50 5.25 4.00
- 87 LG Electronics 3.50 0 0
- Aricent 3.50 0 0
- Mahindra & Mahindra 3.00 0 0
- Ashok Leyland 4.20 5.50 3.10
- Manhattan 4.00 0 0
- Atrenta 5.50 0 0
- Mapinfo 5.65 0 0
- Avaya 4.00 0 0
- Maruti 3.25 4.20 0
- Aztecsoft 2.40 0 0
- MasconGlobal Limited 2.50 3.50 0
- Bechtel 3.15 3.25 0
- Mastek 3.25 0 0
- BEL 3.90 0 0
- McAfee 4.00 4.50 0
- BHEL 4.00 0 0
- Mentor Graphics 7.40 7.90 0
- Birlasoft 2.50 0 0
- Microsoft 9.12 9.50 8.50
- BMC Software 3.15 0 0
- MindTree 3.20 0 0
- BPCL 5.65 0 0
- Morgan Stanley 8.00 0 0
- Canon India 3.75 0 0
- Mphasis 2.50 0 0
- Capgemini 3.50 4.80 3.00
- Nagarro Infotech 3.50 0 0
- Captronics 2.00 0 0
- NBC Bearing 3.00 0 0
- Cdot 3.90 0 0
- Nestle 6.30 0 0
- Cerner Healthcare 3.80 0 0
- Net-App 7.00 11.60 0
- Cienna 5.00 0 0
- Newgen 3.75 0 0
- Cisco Systems 8.50 10.20 7.10
- Nihilent Technologies 2.80 0 0
- Citrix 8.00 0 0
- NIIT 2.20 0 0
- Coal India 4.20 0 0
- Nirvana 5.00 0 0
- Cognizant Technology Solution 3.05 0 0
- Nous Infosystems 1.80 2.40 0
- Compro 4.00 0 0
- NSE Infotech 2.62 0 0
- Computer Associates 5.20 0 0
- NTPC 4.50 0 0
- Computer Science Corporation 3.60 3.75 2.24
- NvIndia 7.40 0 0
- Continuserve 2.45 0 0
- OnMobile 4.50 0 0
- Cybage 2.46 0 0
- Oracle 6.00 8 0
- DE Shaw 10.00 10.04 9.54
- Pangea 5.00 0 0
- Dell 2.75 0 0
- Patni 3.25 3.60 0
- Deloitte 4.40 5.50 3.20
- Perrot Systems 2.80 0 0
- DRDO 4.00 0 0
- Persistant Systems 3.00 0 0
- E Q Technologic 3.50 0 0
- Phillips 5.00 0 0
- Eicher Motor 5.60 0 0
- PWC 4.50 0 0
- EIL 4.40 0 0
- Reliance Energy Ltd 4.50 0 0
- EMC^2 6.00 0 0
- Reliance Industries 3.75 0 0
- Ericsson 3.00 0 0
- Saama Techonologies 2.40 0 0
- eValue Serve 4.00 0 0
- Samsung(Software) 4.00 5.58 0
- EXL Service 4.00 0 0
- Samsung Engg 3.50 0 0
- Fidelity 3.80 5.50 0
- Sapient 4.50 0 3.57
- Fiserv India 2.78 0 0
- Sasken 5.00 0 0
- Fluor Daniel 4.00 0 0
- SatyamComputers Ltd 3.00 3.50 2.40
- Freescale 5.50 0 0
- Schlumberger 9.40 28.00 0
- FSS 6.50 0 0
- Schneider 3.10 3.50 0
- Futures First 6.40 0 0
- Siemens Power 4.60 0 0
- GCI Solutions 2.85 3.20 2.85
- SM Creative 4.20 5.00 0
- GE 3.60 0 0
- Smart cube 5.20 0 0
- Geodesic 4.50 9.00 1.80
- Solid Core 7.00 0 0
- Global logic 3.60 0 0
- Sun Microsystems 3.50 0 0
- Godrej Infotech 2.80 0 0
- Sungard 4.00 4.50 0
- Goldman Sachs 5.50 0 0
- Syntel India Ltd 3.30 0 2.40
- Grail Research 6.00 0 0
- T Systems 2.20 0 0
- GS Engg 3.50 0 0
- Tacho 2.80 0 0
- Habinger 2.70 0 0
- Tata Elxi 2.25 0 0
- HCL 3.00 0 0
- Tavant 3.50 0 0
- Hexaware 3.00 0 0
- TCE 3.00 3.50 0
- Honeywell 4.00 0 0
- TCS 3.25 3.30 3.12
- Hughes Systique 4.25 0 0
- Tech Mahindra 3.10 0 2.60
- IBM GBS 3.26 3.80 0
- Teradata 3.40 0 0
- IBM ISL 5.44 0 0
- Texas Instruments 5.80 0 0
- I-Flex 2.40 0 0
- Thoughtworks 5.60 5.08 0
- iGate 2.50 0 0
- TISCO 4.48 0 0
- Impulsesoft 3.00 0 0
- Torry Harris 3.00 0 0
- Indorama 7.00 0 0
- Toshiba 3.80 0 0
- Infogain 2.50 0 0
- Total Envt 3.30 0 0
- Informatica 5.50 0 0
- Trident 4.50 6.00 0
- Infosys Technolgies Ltd 3.00 3.50 2.42
- US Technologies 2.40 0 0
- Integra 6.00 0 0
- Uttam Galva 0.96 0 0
- IOCL 5.50 6.80 0
- Verizon Data Services India Pvt Ltd 5.40 7.50 0
- ITC Infotech 3.00 0 0
- Vestas RRB 3.00 0 0
- Ivy Comptech 7.20 0 0
- Whirlpool 3.06 0 0
- Jindal Steel 3.20 0 0
- Wipro 3.10 3.50 2.75
- Kennametal 4.80 0 0
- Yahoo 7.50 10.89 6.75
- Zensar Technologies 2.40 0 0
Saturday, February 7, 2009

A stunning Kazakh supermodel committed suicide by plunging to her death from the ninth floor of her lower Manhattan building on Saturday, police sources and neighbors said.
Ruslana Korshunova, 20, a long-haired lovely who once graced the cover of Russian Vogue, plummeted onto busy Water St. in the Financial District around 2:30 p.m., according to sources and building residents.
On Sunday, police ruled the model's death a suicide. Korshunova died from blunt impact injuries, said Megan Cuccia, a spokeswoman for the city's medical examineRecruitment of Probationary Credit Officers (MMGS-I/II/III) - 2008
Head Office
(A Govt of India Undertaking)
Human Resource Development Division
Manipal 576 104
Phone : 0820-2570387, 0820-2571188(241 Extn)
Advt No. PD/HRDD/REC/03/2008
Recruitment of Probationary Credit Officers (MMGS-I/II/III) - 2008
SyndicateBank invites applications from Indian Citizens for the post of Probationary Credit Officers in JMGS-I and MMGS-II and MMGS-III in the Bank.
Click your choice herebelow to view/download the following regarding the details of the Posts/vacancies, pay scales, reservations, eligibility criteria, selection procedure and application fee, application submission procedure etc.
(1) Detailed Advertisement (2) Application Form
(3) Format-Caste Certificate (4) Format-Disability Certificate
Filled-in applications have to be submitted to SyndicateBank Recruitment Project-2008, Post Box No. 64, MANIPAL - 576 104 (Udupi Dist) Karnataka
Candidates may note that the Applications should reach the above address latest by 21.11.2008. In case of Application from candidates staying abroad or in Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
General Manager(P)
Recruitment of Probationary Law Officer - 2008
Head Office
(A Govt of India Undertaking)
Human Resource Development Division
Manipal 576 104
Attention of all the concerned is drawn to our Advertisement No. PD/HRDD/REC/02/2008 dated 31.01.2008 published in the Employment News dated February 16-22, 2008 and displayed in the Bank's website The Announcement of the ID Nos. of candidates (PDF File) who have been found suitable for appointment in the vacancies in the Bank as Probationary Law Officers is announced herewith.
The appointment of the selected candidates is subject to their being found medically fit, submission of all documents as set out in the offer of appointment, satisfactory references, verification of character and antecedents from Police Authorities and verification of caste/tribe/community certificates by the Competent Authorities. Offers of appointment to the selected candidates are being issued separately. The selected candidates are being called for Induction Training at our Syndicate Institute of Bank Management (SIBM), Manipal.
Candidates whose ID numbers are not found in the enclosed list are requested to treat this as individual intimation that they have not been selected in the Bank and no further correspondence will be entertained. It may please be noted that no telephone enquiries also will be entertained in respect of candidates who are not selected.
General Manager(P)
Recruitment of HR/IR Officers, POs, Probationary Clerks - 2009
Head Office
(A Govt of India Undertaking)
Human Resource Development Division
Manipal 576 104
Phone : 0820-2570387, 0820-2571188
Advt No. PD/HRDD/REC/01/2009 dated 13.01.2009
Recruitment of HR/IR Officers, POs, Probationary Clerks - 2009
SyndicateBank invites applications from Indian Citizens for the following posts in the Bank : HR/IR Officers (MMGS-II), Probationary Officers (JMGS-I) and Probationary Clerks.
Click your choice herebelow to view/download the following regarding the details of the Posts/vacancies, pay scales, reservations, eligibility criteria, selection procedure and application fee, application submission procedure etc.
(1) Detailed Advertisement (2) Application Form
(4) Format-Disability Certificate
(6) Format-Fees-Payment-Voucher
Filled-in application have to be submitted :
a) In respect of Officers (Post Code Nos. 01 to 02)
SyndicateBank Recruitment Project - 2009, Post Box No. 64, MANIPAL - 576 104 (Udupi Dist) Karnataka
b) In respect of Probationary Clerks (Post Code No. 03)
SyndicateBank Recruitment Project - 2009, Post Box No. 105, UDUPI - 576 101 (Udupi Dist) Karnataka
Candidates may note that as per Clause 7 of the Detailed advertisement that the (a) Last date for Receipt of Applications is 27.02.2009 and (b) Last date for Receipt of Applications from far-flung areas is 06.03.2009.
General Manager(P)
Head Office
(A Govt of India Undertaking)
Human Resource Development Division
Manipal 576 104
Phone : 0820-2570387, 0820-2571188(241 Extn)
Ref No. PD/HRDD/REC/CREDIT/1888 dtd 30.01.2009
Recruitment of Probationary Credit Officers (MMGS-I/II/III)-2008-2009-Names of shortlisted candidates for interview
Attention of all the concerned is drawn to our Advt No. PD/HRDD/REC/03/2008 dated 13.10.2008 published in the Employment News dated November 01 - 07, 2008 and displayed in our Bank's website "". SyndicateBank announces the names of candidates who are shortlisted for interview for the post of Probationary Credit Officers (Post Code-11, 12 and 13) in the Bank. Complete details regarding list of documents, formats of certificates to be submitted at the time of interview, date, time and venue of the interview etc., are available in the Detailed Announcement and list of candidates selected for interview.
Click below to view/download the following : (PDF Files)
(1) Detailed Announcement for the above referred 3 Posts (Post Codes 11,12 and 13)
(2) Shortlisted Candidates List for the Interview for the post of Probationary Credit Officers-MMGS-III (Post-11)
(3) Shortlisted Candidates List for the Interview for the post of Probationary Credit Officers-MMGS-II (Post-12)
(4) Shortlisted Candidates List for the Interview for the post of Probationary Credit Officers-JMGS-I (Post-13)
from our website "" under the menu "Downloads->Recruitment" or under "Downloads->Advt/Tenders/Bids->Recruitment".
Hint to search your name : (1) Candidates can open the "List of shortlisted candidates file" under Adobe Acrobat Software. (2) They can use "Control+F" keys combination and in the query box they can give either (a) their full name or (b) Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) as key to search through the list of candidates to find out the availability of his/her Name in the shortlisted candidates list.
General Manager(P)
If music be the food of love, play on.
- Shakespeare
Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.
- Robert Browning
Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.
- Lamartine
- Accenture 2.1 to 3/3.1
- Adobe 5.7 to 8.52
- Airvana Networks 4.2
- Alstom 2.75
- Amazon 7 to 8 (IIT)
- Aricent(Flextronics) 3.5, 3.75 (IIT)
- Ashok Leyland 3.25
- Attrenta 4.5
- Adventity 8.6
- Alstom 3+
- Amdocs 3.7 to 3.9/4
- Atos Origin 3
- Avaya 3 +
- BEL 4 (before the 6TH pay commission)
- Birlasoft 2.0
- Capital One $59,000 (US posting open only for IIT)
- Caritor 2.0 2.75
- CISCO 4.0 to 9.0
- Computer Associates 4.5 to 6.5
- Capgemini 2.4 to 3
- Cybernet Slash Support 1.6 to 1.89
Cash Systems $ 72,000 (IIT)- CSC India 3.2 to 3.6
- DCM Technologies 2.48
- DE Shaw 6.0 to 9.5, 10 LPA(IIT Kharagpur)
- Deloitte pay package 4 to 5, 2.1 LPA for an MBA fresher
- EDS(Mphasis) 3 lakhs
- Ericsson 3
- Evalue Serve 3.10 to 4.01(IIT)
- efunds 2.5
- Fiorano 5.0
- Flextronics (HSS) 3.0
- Freescale 4.5 to 5.5
- Futures First 6.4 (IIT)
- Galpha Labs 1.5
- Globalogic 4
- Google 12.0, 14(IIT Kharapur)
- GE 3.0 to 5.3, 4.75 CTC(IIT)
- Grail
Research 6 - Grapecity 3.8
- HCL 2.0 to 3.0
- Hexaware 2.1/2.2
- Honeywell 3.67 to 4
- HLL 7.2 (IIT)
- HP Labs 3 to 3.5
- iGate 2.04
- ITC 8+ (IIT)
- IBM 2.85 to 3.0 (IIT)
- IBM Software Labs 5.3 - 5.9
- I-flex 2.2 - 2.7
- Impulsesoft 4.5
- Interra Systems 4.6
- Intergraph 2.88
- Integra 6
- Induslogic 4.2
- Infosys 2.2 to 3.6
- Informatica 5.5
- Inautix 2.75
- iRunway 8.5L (2L bonus per year)
- Ivy Comptech 4.5 to 7.92
- Kanbay 2.7
- Kritical 5.6
- Kotak Mahindra 4.5 (IIT)
- Lee specialities $ 29,000 + benefits (IIT)
- L &T 3.25
- L&T Infotech 1.8 to 2.2 in training 2.95 after training
- Magma DA 6.42
- Manhattan Associates 5.5 (IIT)
- Mckinsey and Co 8+
- MBT 2.5
- Microsoft 6 to 9.12 (BIT),14(IIT)
- Mindtree 2.55
- MindTree CTC 4.75 (IIT)
- Misys 4.35
- Morgan Stanley 7+1(bonus)
- Motorola 3.6 to 4.0 (IIT)
- Nucleus Software 3.0
- NCR FSD 3.0
- NTPC 5.5
- NVidia 6 - 7.4, IIT Kharapur 8LPA CTC
- Net App. 11.4 lakh per annum
- Onmobile 4.4 (IIT)
- Oracle 4.2 to 5.8 (NITs/BITs); 6 (PG + IIT)
- Oracle 8 to 10.5 IITs
- Pangea 3 5
- Patni 1.7to 3.00, IIT Guwahati offered 3.5 LPA
- Perot Systems 2.5 to 2.8
- Persistent System 3.5
- Polaris 2.0
- PWC 3
- PWC 4.5 + bonus -20%
- ReadyTestGo 1.67
- Redpine signals, hyd. 4.5
- Rocsearch 5.2
- SAP Labs 4.0
- Schlumberger 8 + Upto 35 (in IIT)
- Sasken 2.0, 5.1 lakh (BHU/IIT)-take home is 39,000
- Samsung 4.6, IIT Kharagpur 5.8-6.4
- Sapient 2.75 to 4+
- Satyam 2.25 to 3.25
- Siemens 2.75
- Sonata 2.2 to 2.5
- STM 4.5 to 4.87
- Sun Microsystems 5.0
- Syntel 2.6 to 3.4
- SSA Global 3.4
- Texas 5.81-5.58, M.Tech 6.90
- TATA Steel 4.5
- Tata Elxsi 1.9
- Tavant 3.6
- TCS Some Colleges 3.15, 3.65(IIT/NIT)
- T-Mobile 8.0
- Transwitch India Pvt. Ltd. Gross 6.25 LPA +
- AMTS (VLSI) Gross 6.25 LPA +
- AMTS ( SW ) Gross 6.25 LPA +
- Trilogy 7.5 to 8.1 (IIT)
- Tech Mahindra 2.6
- Teradata 2.8 to 3.1
- Torry Harris 3.0
- Trident 4.2 (IIT)
- Verizon 3.0 to 4.0
- Veveo India Pvt Ltd. 10.00 L + BENEFITS (IIT Kgp)
- Virtusa 2.4
- XILINX 6.0
- Yasu Technologies 3.45 (IITs)
- Yahoo 6.75-8.75
- Wipro 2.3 to 3.1 , 3.2- 3.45 NIT/IIT
- ZS Associates 6 (IIT)
- 47 people were killed, 2,800 homes destroyed and 210,000 hectares burnt when more than 100 fires started on February 16, 1983, which became known as Ash Wednesday.
Most fires were sparked by arson or by powerlines clashing in the high winds.
In South Australia, 28 people were killed, 383 homes destroyed and 21,000 hectares burnt on the same day.
The total damage bill was estimated at $200 million in each state.
Most loss of life and property occurred in the hour after the southwesterly wind change late in the day.
More than 16,000 firefighters, 1,000 police and 500 army personnel battled the fires.- Up to 400 vehicles, including fire trucks, water tankers and bulldozers, 11 helicopters and 14 fixed-wing aircraft, were used to battle the fires.
Friday, February 6, 2009

Skylar Deleon, an extra on “Might Morphin Power Rangers” movie, tried to saw his own penis off with a razor blade, while in jail for allegedly murdering a couple for their yacht. Skylar Deleon’s murder trial is now underway for the deaths of Tom and Jackie Hawks.
Skylar Deleon, along with his wife, Jennifer Deleon, has been charged with allegedly murdering a couple at sea as part of a plot to steal their yacht. Jennifer Deleon has already been convicted and has life in prison. Skylar Deleon is currently awaiting trial for his part in the murders.
Skylar Deleon, 29, was hospitalized after he attempted to cut off his penis in his jail cell, in the mental ward.
The Orange County Sheriff’s department told the LA Times, “Somehow he got hold of a razor blade and tried to saw off his penis, but didn’t complete the job. We do known there was a lot of blood and it was quite a scene. But from what I know, he didn’t finish his task, and maybe it was too painful and that made him stop”.
Jail officials have not said why he tried to cut his own penis off, or how he got his hands on a razor blade in the first place.
Deleon’s penis was reattached and he was returned to jail the next day, said Damon Micalizzi, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.
Skylar Deleon is in jail for the murders of Thomas and Jackie Hawkes. The Hawkses agreed to take Skylar Deleon, then 27, his pregnant wife Jennifer, 25 and a few friends out for a test ride off the coast of Newport Beach, California, as they stated they were interested in buying the Hawkes’ yacht.
But Deleon — a former child actor who appeared in the television series “Power Rangers” — had other plans. Several miles out to sea, the couple was attacked with a stun gun and tied to the yacht’s anchor. They were thrown overboard alive and have never been found.
Despite having no bodies, police were able to put the pieces of the murder together in the complicated case and the Orange County District Attorneys Office have charged the trio and two others with murdering the Hawkses. The district attorney says they will seek the death penalty against Deleon, for committing multiple murders and murder for financial gain.
Strange story! And why the hell would he try and cut his penis off, like facing the death penalty isn’t bad enough.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
*Belive it or not.......
1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. they prefer neat
and presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
3.When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not
thinking the way he is.
4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep,
they always think about the girl they truly care about .
5. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad
6. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
7. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
8. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
9. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow".
..... so true.
10. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the
message clearly.
11. Guys love their moms.
12. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
13. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
14. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
15. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
16. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
17. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
18. Guys are very open about themselves.
19. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that
much pretty.
22. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice ... very true.
23. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
24. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
25. Guys think too much....disputed.
26. Guys fantasies are unlimited.
27. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight
does! ... very true.
28. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
29. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
30. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
31. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
32. Guys hate girls who overreact.
33. Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.
Doesn't this all make sense?

Blunderer: Ford Motor
Blunder: The Edsel
Size Of Blunder: $2.5 billion

Blunder: Iridium
Backed by $6 billion from Motorola, satellite-telephone provider Iridium launched in November 1998--and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy just nine months later, citing "difficulty gaining subscribers." Iridium's downfall: the rise of mobile phones and cellular networks. Absentee customer-service reps and annoying flaws in the company's Web site that made it difficult to apply for service didn't help, either.
Blunder: Greed and deception
The now infamous Houston-based energy company created offshore entities to hide huge losses--maneuvers that even a careful read of its opaque financial statements could hardly detect. Analysts turned sour on the company in the summer of 2001; Enron filed for bankruptcy before year's end. From its peak market cap of $78 billion, the equity is now worthless, and key executives--including Chief Operating Officer Jeffrey Skilling and Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, are doing jail time on charges including securities fraud and insider trading.

Blunderer: Czar Alexander II, On Behalf Of Russia
Blunder: Sale of Alaska
Fearing he would lose Alaska by force, Czar Alexander II advised Russian minister Eduard de Stoeckl to offer a 586,412 square mile ice block--Alaska--for sale to the U.S. Following an all-night negotiation, the agreement was signed March 30, 1867. The U.S. paid $7.2 million--1.9 cents per acre--for a land rich in oil and gold, currently valued at $100 billion, according to Matthew Mondanile of Cushman & Wakefield. At the time of the sale, famed journalist Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune called the purchase both "inconvenient" and "dangerous" for the U.S., as the territory offered "nothing of value but furbearing animals." Alaska became a U.S. state in 1959.

Blunderer: Xerox
Blunder: Lifting the kimono
Size Of Blunder: $107 billion

Blunderer: Time Warner Shareholders
Blunder: The merger of AOL and Time Warner
On Feb. 11, 2000, Internet portal America Online, then valued at $108 billion, swallowed media stalwart Time-Warner (worth $111 billion) for $164 billion in an all-stock deal. AOL owned 55% of the new, combined company; Time-Warner, 45%. Then came the tech wreck of 2001, followed by the rise of stiff competitors Yahoo! and Google. As cultures clashed and the stock price tanked, the company in 2002 reported a one-time write-off of $99 billion--at the time, the largest corporate loss ever reported. At its nadir, the firm boasted a meager market cap of $48 billion--$171 billion less than at the time of the merger. Time Warner is now worth about $53 billion.

Blunderer: Seattle Computer Products
Blunder: Sale of the DOS operating system
Back in 1980, Tim Paterson, a 24-year-old programmer at Seattle Computer Products, spent four months writing the 86-DOS operating system. Meanwhile, Bill Gates was on a hunt for operating software that Microsoft could license to IBM; Big Blue had the money and factories to build computers, but not the operating system to run them. Gates bought the DOS system for a pittance: $50,000. When Seattle Computer figured out what it had let slip through its fingers, it accused Microsoft of swindling the company by not revealing that IBM was its customer; Microsoft settled by compensating Seattle Computer an additional $1 million in 1986. Big deal--the market for the rest of Microsoft's cool software had been born, and there was no looking back. Arguably, this key deal ultimately propelled Microsoft to software domination--and its current $253 billion valuation.

Blunderer: Napoleon, On Behalf Of France
Blunder: The sale of the Louisiana Territory
In 1803, Napoleon was struggling to defend all the land France had acquired in the New World, specifically Haiti, which was in the midst of a slave revolt. With his army stretched thin, and unwilling to relinquish Haiti, Napoleon offered to sell the entire territory of Louisiana, rather than just the port of New Orleans, as had previously been discussed. The offer: $15 million--3 cents per acre--or about $284 million today. The current value of that land (now including portions of 15 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces): around $750 billion, estimates Matthew Mondanile of Cushman & Wakefield. And Haiti? Less than a year after France inked the sale, Haiti won its independence.

Blunderer: The Canarsees
Blunder: The sale of Manhattan island
How could they have known? In 1626, Canarsee natives traded for trinkets a now rather stylish plot: Manhattan (then called New Amsterdam). The 23 square miles many New Yorkers consider "the center of the universe" is now valued at a cool $1 trillion, estimates Matthew Mondanile of global commercial real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield. In another short-sighted deal, the Dutch later traded New Amsterdam to Great Britain for what is now the Republic of Suriname, a small country in South America with a wee gross domestic product of $2.9 billion.
Blunderer: The World's Central Banks
Blunder: Global economic upheaval
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and his counterparts across the globe have the power to jump-start or derail entire economies by cranking the credit spigot open or closed. Rubert Mundell, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in economics, has argued that "bungled monetary policy in the 1920s and 1930s caused chronic deflation [falling prices] and destabilized the world," writes author Charles Wheelan in his book Naked Economics. Mundell's argument: "'Had the price of gold been raised in the late 1920s, or, alternatively, had the major central banks pursued policies of price stability instead of adhering to the gold standard, there would have been no Great Depression, no Nazi revolution, and no World War II.'" Those are fighting words--let's hope Bernanke and company don't earn a spot on this list.
Size Of Blunder: Our calculator just broke.