Friday, September 19, 2008

The Weekend Trotter: Covelong Beach

Covelong Beach is located in between the city of Chennai and the adjoining Mahabalipuram. The beach stretch lies about 40 kms away from the city. The beach is typically noted for its serene beauty and beach activities. Covelong differs from the rest of the beaches in that the precincts are not over crowded and most of the pleasure is derived from the smooth and peaceful environment. This fact makes it one of the most sought after by people who want a little bit privacy, thrill and solitude. The beach has witnessed some historical events in the past era. It was Saadat Ali, the Nawab of Carnatic, who built a port here in the year 1746. In the meantime, the port area developed strategic importance and was subjected to a number of attacks. The port was captured by the French in 1752, under the commandship of General Laboudonnais. The French troops were soon routed by the British General Clive.

Covelong Beach is famous for its clear waters and serenity. The beach is one of the best for people who like a dip and a dive. Swimmimg and wind surfing are popular activities of the tourists. The beach environs are quite fruitful for those who seek meditation. The beach houses the adorable fishing settlement. There are other attractions of the bygone era like an old old fort, church and a mosque. These attractions, however, are secondary and most of the people enjoy either the dip or basking in the sun.

Not very far from the beach is the tourist hotspot Mahabalipuram. The tourists who come to Covelong Beach, generally makes to the place of Mahabalipuram.

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